作为一名 创意写作,你将创造原创的文学作品,最终在一个显著的,扩展 诗歌,小说,和/或创造性的非小说的主体,体现你的艺术潜力.
这些文学作品将展示你的以下几个方面 工艺:
你对来自你个人生活的中心主题的运用 体验和想象
你对创作过程的理解既是批判性的,也是直觉的 思考,以及解决问题
你对你所处的文学、文化和历史背景的认识 写作,包括过去和现在的文学形式、结构、风格的影响, 和传统对你艺术选择的影响
(诗人)你在行行、诗节结构、节奏等方面塑造一首诗的能力 sound; and to effectively work within the parameters of various poetic forms
(小说作家): your ability to invent and organize plot; develop character; modulate tone; make use of evocative imagery; and shape and control the formal in both modular and linear 叙述
(适用于有创意的非虚构类作家): your ability to establish a distinctive voice and a clear sense of purpose; provide insightful reflection on the chosen subject matter; render vivid scenes complete with dialogue; distinguish between various types of nonfiction including memoir, personal essay, and literary journalism; and determine when and where to use research, as well 作为适当的来源和研究方法